Thursday, December 08, 2005

MSc Research

Well I've finally managed to get started on my Masters Research, spent yesterday setting up cultures and today finishing up the initial culturing, pouring plates, organising lab keys, Health and Safety Training, and getting my summer scholarship sorted out. So hopefully in the next week or two I'll be paid my initial payment for that. It'll be good to be "earning" a bit of Money.

If any ones at uni between 12 and 1:30pm and intending to have lunch drop me a txt as I'm likely to be in at uni from now on having lunch at those times, and eating in the Staff room or outside by my self is likely to get quickly boring.

1 comment:

Anaru said...

Well there is always the staff room over in my part of the world :-) although a trip out of this building would do me some good now and then.