Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Blogger 2

Right finally been able to update my blogs to Blogger 2 as a result there should be a number of changes happening to both over the next few days.

The first one will be that Speculum Conlectio will be locked down so that only people I (and the other posters) know will have access to it this lock down will be accomplised though the use of google/Gmail accounts so if you don't have a google/gmail account or are not logged in to them will not be able to access the site. I'll be adding every one I know who has a gmail account. If for some reason you can't access the site please let me know what your gmail address is and I'll add you.

If you don't have a gmail account you can sign up at www.gmail.com.

Also I'll be adding some more photos ad will likely continue to do so now that it's not wide open to the web.

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